Apr 18, 2023Liked by Jade Fox

Seen...I had a similar moment tonight with not giving 2 capers when the agreement was to finish the mash first. Meltdown mayhem. She was overtired and overstimulated. The one time I gave the longest screen time in a day 1 hr 20 mins) due to a meeting and i should have known. Well I did but I chose to give it a go..live and learn on my part. Ahelia said as she sobbed “it’s so hard being a child”. I get it. It is. It’s hard being a human but so beautiful in all it’s challenges. I had a glimpse of what the teenage years would look like. A wise woman said to me, the way you respond and treat them in the toddler and preschool years will set them up for how it will be during the teen years. Sometimes I get it right and other times when I lose it, I think of those words. Lots of repair on my end. I thought I was patient but boy, I had no idea how thin it is.

Appreciate your beautiful writing as always. Loved reading this as I enjoyed my hot chocolate x

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